Just read “Germany Must Perish” by Theodore N. Kaufman, 1941, to get a sense of how much international jewry hated Germany for rejecting central banking control!

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And don’t forget Benjamin H. Freedman; he was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman's essential message to us - his warning to the West - is more urgent than ever before.


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The Khazar story is a lie, as he himself admitted afterwards, that he only made it up so that the Jews could keep their previous wealth and jobs...

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Oh, where to even begin with this? First off, Benjamin H. Freedman might’ve been a successful businessman in New York and even owned the Woodbury Soap Company, but let’s be real, this guy’s “break” with the Jewish community wasn’t because of some moral awakening—it was more like a full-on ideological meltdown. And no, he didn’t break away to fight the “Judeo-Communist victory” of 1945 (what even is that phrase, by the way? Sounds like something straight out of a bad 1950s B-movie). He had a beef with Zionism, which—sure, we can argue about political ideologies all day—but let’s not pretend that turned him into a hero exposing some massive “Jewish tyranny” over the U.S. You’re basically buying into the worst kind of conspiracy-laden fantasy here.

Then there’s the claim that he spent “at least 2.5 million dollars” trying to “expose” this supposed tyranny. Really? This is the part where Freedman, with his deep dive into anti-Semitic conspiracies, thought his life's work was to convince people that Jews were secretly controlling the world from behind the scenes. Let’s just say, if I had that kind of fortune, I’d probably invest it in something a bit more productive than spreading nonsense, but I guess that’s just me.

And yes, Freedman did know some high-profile people—Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, even Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. But saying they were part of some evil Jewish plot to control the world is like saying because I once met a guy who worked at a pizza place, I must secretly be running a mafia operation. It's just not how it works. These connections don’t prove anything beyond Freedman’s ability to mingle with influential people—people who, for the record, didn’t sign up for his conspiracy theory club.

Now, his 1961 speech, that’s a whole treasure chest of historical delusion. You’re telling me that the reason the U.S. entered both world wars was because of Jewish manipulation? That’s the kind of logic you get from people who read one too many 1930s pamphlets in between their conspiracy theory YouTube binges. The real world’s a little more complicated, buddy. There were these things called “global politics,” “imperialism,” and, I don’t know, “Nazi aggression” that might’ve had a slight influence on why the U.S. joined those wars. But sure, let's just blame it all on Jews. That’s not offensive at all.

The bottom line: Benjamin Freedman was an interesting character, no doubt, but his life’s work was largely built on spreading bigoted, fact-free theories. And before anyone gets carried away with his “wisdom,” remember: just because someone’s eloquent doesn’t mean they’re right. This man’s speeches are as trustworthy as a used car salesman with a fake mustache—he’s selling you a history that doesn’t hold up under even the slightest scrutiny. So, no, thank you, I’ll pass on swallowing the whole "Jews secretly control everything" nonsense. That’s not a history lesson, that’s a fiction novel written in a basement somewhere.

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“No one, anywhere in the world, can preach morality to our people.”? 🤔💩

Think again Menachem!😡 Even if "The Holocaust" was exactly 100% the truth, the concept of "two wrongs don't make a right" is entirely lost on the Jews...

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But the fact that there wasn’t a Gas Chamber Holocaust makes worldwide Jewry even more culpable…


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Sshhh!!! 😱

Thoughts like that can get your 2+ years imprisonment in 20 different countries, including Canada! ... Where I have the misfortune to live ... 😥

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Wow, that’s a take… but it's definitely not the right one." Holocaust denial or distortion is not only factually wrong, but it’s also deeply disrespectful to those who suffered. And trust me, I like a good debate, but even in Canada (where I lived at one time), you could be looking at some serious legal consequences for spouting that kind of thing. So maybe stick to less controversial opinions, like pineapple on pizza or whether cats really do rule the internet

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A simple search in a newspaper archive (e.g., the Library of Congress newspaper archive) for "six million Jews" or "6,000,000 Jews" will result in article after article featuring that exact number of Jews dating to at least the late 1800s. The Russian czar was an anti-semite killing six million Jews in pogroms in the early 1900s. Max Nordau at the Tenth Zionist Congress warned that six million Jews would soon perish in a calamity. Census shows that six million Jewish souls live in Russia / Europe / the World. We need to raise money for the six million Jews being killed in the holocaust of World War I. Six million Jews are yearning to be free in the 1930s ergo we must create Israel. And then, yet again, the discovery that there was yet another holocaust of six million Jews in World War II. (Which almost everybody promptly forgot about and ignored until the 1970s or so) Etc.

Given the repetition in news articles, various speeches at Zionist Congresses, etc. it suggests that there is some "religious" significance to: A) numbers of Jews equalling six million, B) six million such Jews being martyrs or suffering souls or what have you that justifies Zionism, and this has been a precept since at least the mid-1800s or so. For all I know if I spent enough time poking through archives it might be that "six million Jews" has been a spiritually significant number since the Bronze Ages.

So in a sense it was invented long, long before it happened.

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Yes there is a video I watched on bitchute that had a man with several NY Times and other newspapers dating from the pre Hitler era. Every single article over the 2 decades or so listed the same 6 million number of jews are being starved and mistreated or what have you so please send money to help their cause. So maybe that’s where the 6 million lies number originated?

Here is the video:


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You can even find some references to "six million Jews" in the 19th century also, e.g., there was some old sort-of Biblical encyclopedia I read from the 1880s or so (I forgot my source, apologize) which claimed that when Rome crushed the Bar-Kokhba revolt in 132AD they killed six million Jews. Normally the story is they killed 600,000 Jews (a significant number as there were 600,000 Hebrews that wandered in the desert with Moses and the Talmud teaches to recite a special blessing when you find yourself in proximity to 600,000 Jews).

So, 600,000, or 6,000,000 appears to be some kind of magic numbers with ritual significance.

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Oh, I see what you're doing here—a little "coincidence theory" sprinkled with a touch of selective history. So, according to this logic, because the number six million appeared in articles long before World War II, we can just dismiss the actual Holocaust as some sort of pre-planned narrative rather than a tragic, documented historical event. It’s like saying because the number “13” appears in a bunch of stories about bad luck, we should believe it’s an ancient curse, and not just an unlucky number.

The fact is, while the number six million was indeed used in various contexts (like during earlier pogroms and Zionist appeals), it didn’t "invent" the Holocaust. That would be like saying the existence of the word “fire” before an actual fire means the fire was staged. There were real, horrifying events that led to the death of six million Jews during the Holocaust—something that can be verified through an abundance of evidence, from Nazi records to survivor testimonies.

But hey, if you keep poking around archives long enough, you might even find a conspiracy theory about the number six million being an ancient plot by the Illuminati. It’s a rabbit hole, and it’s very tempting to fall in, but let's try not to rewrite history just because it’s more fun than the actual, awful truth.

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Nice concern troll. You need to spend some time doing elementary school-level thinking about the topic for a while. Start with the the stolen Russian tank engines.

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Ah, yes, because nothing says “solid argument” like dragging in stolen Russian tank engines. I’m sure that’ll clear everything up! But hey, if we’re doing elementary school-level thinking, maybe we should start with the basics: facts, logic, and not pretending every random conspiracy is the key to understanding the world.

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You don't know what Russian tank engines means in the context of the third holocaust of 6 million Jews in the 20th century alone. That means you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Ergo, you probably aren't even human, you are an AI bot. Goodbye.

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Oh, bless your heart, xkry. You’re out here stringing together random words like “Russian tank engines” and “third Holocaust of six million Jews” as if they’re part of some master code only you’ve cracked. Spoiler alert: it’s not a code; it’s just nonsense.

And the pièce de résistance? Calling me a bot. Classic move when your argument’s on life support. Newsflash, mate: just because I’m making sense doesn’t mean I’m AI. But honestly, if I were a bot, at least I’d be programmed to deal in facts and logic instead of whatever fever dream you’re working with.

Anyway, enjoy shouting “Goodbye!” into the void like you’ve won something. I’ll be here, sipping my coffee, marveling at how “Russian tank engines” became the highlight of this comedy routine. 👋

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Here is How Deep State Handles Substack Subscribers

And what you can do about it

Len Ber, MD

Jan 07, 2025

After months of investigations of my Substack subscribers data, as well as Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, we discovered how subscribers e-mails have been handled.

Someone is logging into the accounts, and deleting existing subscribers from the list, while replacing them with the “dummy” e-mail accounts.

Because of this, the total number of subscribers remains about the same, but real subscribers stop receiving notifications when new articles are published.

If you are a subscriber, please make sure that your account is active, and you are receiving updates. If you have been unsubscribed, please re-subscribe, and let both Substack and the Substack Newsletters know this has happened.


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The holocaust doesn't exist and therefore should be disregarded in any conversation about the rights and practices of Jews. I didn't say it did not exist, but right now as a threat to judaism it does not exist. It is not oart of our current reality.

What does exist is a psychotic attachment among Jews in the current day to something that came and went 80 years ago, that is, the ghost of the holocaust is symptomatic of PTSD. But "What if" doesn't exist no matter how many teeth you gnash worrying about it.

I recommend that any Jew speaking of it as a current or future threat be given sufficient numbers of visits to a qualified psychiatrist to set them on the path to reality. That is the true cure for holocaust memories and would be much more effective than allowing Israel and its supporters free rein to genocide and bankrupt others.

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First off, let me address the idea that the Holocaust "doesn't exist." No, I’m not being dramatic. I’m just repeating what you're implying here. History is not like a sitcom where you can cancel the season you don’t like. The Holocaust is well-documented, has been studied extensively by historians, and the survivors—who are still alive, by the way—will attest to it in chilling detail. You can’t just wish away the murder of six million people because it makes you uncomfortable. It's not a "ghost"—it’s a fact.

As for this “psychotic attachment” claim? You might want to think about that before you casually toss around terms like PTSD. It’s kind of insulting to both survivors and anyone who’s actually suffered from trauma to minimize the impact of such a horrific event. The fact that there are still survivors and their families speaking out today isn’t about holding onto "ghosts"; it's about keeping memory alive so that such a nightmare doesn’t repeat itself. The desire to learn from history is not an affliction, it’s responsibility. But sure, let’s just call it a “psychotic attachment” because we don't like hearing about it anymore.

And then we get to the bit where you suggest sending Jews to psychiatrists for a "cure" for Holocaust memories. Yikes. The arrogance and insensitivity here are almost beyond comprehension. How about a little empathy for the fact that people who lived through or were affected by such atrocities might actually need the opposite of your "solution"—support, validation, and respect?

And finally, to throw in this bizarre linkage to Israel and "genocide" is, frankly, a wild tangent that has nothing to do with the historical facts of the Holocaust. The real-world political conflicts of today don’t diminish the reality of what happened during WWII. So no, the Holocaust isn’t just a past "what if"—it’s a brutal, undeniable chapter of history that demands respect, not dismissal.

Bottom line: The Holocaust is not a punchline, a “ghost,” or something to be "cured." It’s real. And you can’t just rewrite it out of existence to fit your narrative. If you're going to engage in a serious conversation about history, maybe take a moment to actually listen to those who lived through it, rather than trying to minimize their trauma with outdated, dangerous rhetoric

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Thanks for sharing this post.

Now that the jews are the landlords,we aren't tolerated guests.

We are just rabble, in the way of progress.

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This could be where the 6 million lies number came from. Notice these newspapers are all before the Hitler era listing the same 6 million number. Is there anything that is true that we were taught? So far everything has been a lie.


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The oldest trick of infamy is too invent two or three lies & have people

repeatedly argue about which lie is true. This techniques is used over & over, again again regarding religions, science & philosophy. Geopolitics adds to that already fucked up truth so that you get social cultural chaos within the Warp & weft of the very fabric with which our societie’s framework & bedrock is built on. Same assholes at it that have been doing it since Rome. Before the Bible & Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Jainism/Bramahism/Buddism were all constructed from. Philosophy is the same whether it’s Stoic, Nietzsche, Jungian, Freudian, Aristotelean, Plato, Socrates, Hermes Trimegistis, Magnum Opus of Pike, Hermeticism Alchmeical Albedo Putrefaction concepts/principles. Reading & research are always you allies & Arrows of truth to use from your endless quiver of effulgent light as a Chiron of truth. Iron sharpens Iron against deceivers, lairs & abusers. MY the bridges I burn help light my path through the darkness around me. Follow your Soul it knows the way. Dharma & Namaste’

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The starving masses found were a result of fleeing civilians in the face of the advancing ally army too.

When you’re on a wartime diet a week or two in Camp dysentery with no staff is brutal.

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Terror state and parasite

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For Big Bucks and a Homeland for Satan!

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Another GR8 one Ava: Will you do one on the joos GR8st myth? The j.c. myth that the sheep celebrate from Halloween to New Years?

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Oh, where do I even start with this one? First off, the notion that the Holocaust was “invented” to justify World War II is such a spectacularly absurd idea that it could only come from the depths of the internet’s more creative corners. You know, the ones where people think the moon landing was faked and that the Earth is actually flat because—well, science? According to this logic, the Allies didn’t just liberate concentration camps in 1945, they concocted the entire Holocaust, complete with piles of dead bodies and a historical record backed by survivors and photos. Oh, and for what? To "demonize" Germany? Really? Like they needed that as an excuse to fight Nazi aggression and expansion. “Yeah, we could fight the Nazis for all these other reasons—oh, and let’s throw in the genocide part for dramatic effect!”

Then there’s this gem about the Holocaust being a "tool" for the creation of Israel. Ah yes, the Zionist master plan that existed since the late 1800s, just waiting for a world war to break out so they could whip out their shiny new excuse. The claim that Israel was "created solely" because of the Holocaust is like saying Facebook was invented because someone was bored on a Wednesday. Sure, it played a role, but to act like it was the only reason ignores the decades of Zionist efforts, the British Mandate in Palestine, and the increasing anti-Semitism in Europe long before WWII. But, sure, let’s go with “they invented a genocide to get a country.” That tracks.

And then the grand finale: the idea that the Holocaust was used to "induce guilt" in Germans. Oh yes, because after Nazi Germany's relentless campaign of brutality, oppression, and extermination, the real problem was making sure Germans felt too guilty. Who could forget the mass campaign of “Oh no, the Germans might feel bad about slaughtering six million Jews, let’s really hit that guilt button!” Honestly, the sheer creativity of this post is breathtaking. It’s like a work of fiction, but one that gets all the facts wrong and has a suspiciously low budget.

To wrap it up—Holocaust denial is alive and well, folks, and this post is one of its finest offerings. The Holocaust isn’t some mythical story concocted for propaganda or a “justification” for the Allies’ war efforts. It was a real, unspeakable horror. And if you believe otherwise, then it’s not just history that needs to be checked—it’s your entire grasp of reality.

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the transfer agreement, had been sending jewish people to palestine already, before the war. black wrote a whole book documenting it.

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Absolutely not invented photographs, film coverage and testimonies

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