Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Jews could try not being assholes.

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The mention of Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew, is worth recognizing. The name is derived from a Persian king who supposedly persecuted the captive Hebrews before Cyrus set them free. The Book of Esther is the prime source about this retributive slaughter of the persecutors, celebrated in the Jewish feast of Purim. Esther was the honeypot who sweet talked the king into favoring the Jews.

Also, there's a Symbolist painting of Ahasuerus at the End of the World. Quite striking visually, but sadly in need of an explanation of its provocative content. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahasuerus_at_the_End_of_the_World

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All of olde. Europe has folk tales of white Europeans expressing deep displeasure at the reprobate venality..avaricious cupidity. Jew hatred for all Non Jews.. Jew debt slavers...fact stands...Germans so often gorgeous intelligent beautiful Folk...did not harm the Jews..at first....the Jews turned on the German and white European hosts with squaminous ...debt slavery..Talmudic poisons...look to America in 2025..millions have suddenly become deeply aware of the forbidden history of the tribe.....more than 110 countries expressing similar anecdotal poetry contea the Jew...cannot be without any rational..moral basis ...***Fir the young people and new readers..study what the Jews did in Ukraine..and Russia..then in Berlin all prior to 1939....there are many answers that you will never get from "swindlers list"......see .....gulag magadan...noam chumpsky..Soros..Schwab..harari..fink..schwarsmen.....bill ackman..blinker .....mark cuban...Jon Pollard.....nuland satanyahoo or schmuely .....Bernie madoff..jeff mossad epstein..kolomoiseky......marina abramovic..Aleister Crowley the Homosexual Jew---.........**schmuely boteach...**..thiel....Geinrich yagoda..bela.

kuhn....robert durst.....sam.b.fried..julious and Ethel rosenberg...short list...........new readers...young people know who these malefactors are....see also..200YEARS TOGETHER ..Alexander SOLZHENITZHEN......chertoff...know who rules over you...**attention..Mel Gibson..Nick Fuentes..**

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Too religious Ava. joos started that j.c. stuff to control more goyim, and it worked.

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Altho I agree w/ your thesis about Christianity being controlled opposition, I find this piece simpler and more direct in its description of the racial enemy, more folkish in expression than religious.

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Billy: Myths should not be included with realities. It distorts the story. Yes, the rhyme was GR8 on our racial enemy, but didn't our racial enemy start a religion also?

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Jews started a religion for themselves and then another one for us and a third for the Arabs. We might agree on that, I think. All 3 of those religions are fanciful, containing unrealistic elements. It is the nature of myth to be likewise unrealistic and fanciful. The difference between myth and religion, as I see it, is in the literalism of religion. God's revealed word as opposed to a poet's inspiring story. Only children or the young at heart believe in the literal reality of myth. Such a belief harms no one and lays seeds for right action. Religious fundamentalism otoh is embraced by adults, true believers, and leads to conditioned behavior causing much needless pain and suffering, death and destruction.

Our modern materialistic culture, greatly influenced by our racial enemy, conflates myth w/ falsehood. But myth is akin to art, a rendering of a deep truth w/o regard for literal, mundane truths. Myths are not lies and they do not distort reality. They enrich it. This is the message of great men of the 19th & 20th centuries: men on our side, people like Wagner, Jung and Campbell. I believe the Nat Soc movement also believed in the power of myth, but our own myths not the enemy's.

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The j.c. myth has given the joo POWER. Myths ARE lies. xmyth is one of the worst. If the money we use for xmyth was spent on homeless, the problem may be solved. When children find out they have been lied about j.c.,santa claus, etc. they wonder what is not a lie?

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Charlie’s method was to let us learn it about Jews the hard way and then hear it articulated by the past.

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It’s not propaganda if it’s true.

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