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Jul 2Liked by Ava Wolfe

I've been watching a Danish tv series called Seaside Hotel. It's a charming show, both comic and dramatic, set pre- and post WW2 on the Jutland coast. Obviously the producers haven't read any Revisionist History (or else they wouldn't have been allowed to proceed), but the series in marred by an interminable number of Nazi/Jewish references stemming from Denmark's transitional political position, whereby the unveiling of collaboration and entanglements w/ the occupying Germans dominates 2-3 seasons.

I mention this because one of the ongoing subplots involves the building of German bunkers near the hotel. A couple of the yearly summering guests were involved in building and financing the still standing concrete emplacements much to their post-war embarrassment. The structures unfortunately lack the haunt of Andrew's magnificent photos which capture the melancholy of a dream defended but lost.

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