I recently read an account of the Second World War in the Crimea which had a couple of eye-openers, at least for me.

First were descriptions of Komzet and Ozet. These were Soviet-approved programs to resettle Jews in the Crimea, primarily prior to World War 2. The Soviets provided land that they seized and wealthy American Jews were permitted to finance these settlements. You can imagine the reaction of the locals to such programs when the Soviets fled.

Compare to the way Christians were treated.

That led to a description of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, a territory in the Soviet Far East that was set up to give Soviet Jews a sectarian based homeland of their own.

Wiki actually has articles on these subjects.

Next was a description of the sinking of a Soviet ship in the Black Sea that held 750 Jewish refugees on their way to mandatory Palestine. I’d never heard of such events before.

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GR8 (great) article on census numbers. Can you do separate ones on chemistry, another on construction like the swimming pool at Auschwitz shown on USAAC photos & still there, no explosion proof lighting, etc.? Stories of joos scrapping their way through concrete. Maybe all the Zundel 28 minute tapes should be revived.

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According to the Red Cross data - which come from the camp records carefully kept by the Germans - a total of 278 thousand Jews died in them. Mainly from typhus, old age or other diseases. Let's not forget that these Jewish camps were "liberated", and the majority of the "survivors" went to Germany with the "evil" German guards, and even went home to their birthplaces, asking for reparations. They also went with the Soviets, but not so much. And many Jews were concentrated in ghettos - no one forced them to do so - and lived through the war there. The ghettos and camps were never bombed by the Allies! And many of them were "baptized" during the war so that they would not have to go to these camps...

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How is this readable? There is barely a minimum of organization and structure. More here to be 'fixed' than just the myth it wants to correct.

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