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Johnson leaves out Jews in his racial taxonomy. I've had more than one Jewish girlfriend, but never a Black or Asian woman. Of course Jewish women bring a difficult psychology to the table, but racially they're not unattractive. I also understand the temperamental attraction to non-feminist Asian women, just as I share the common displeasure of dealing w/ feminists of all races.

Black women even when flirtatious haven't much attracted me because of physical incompatibility: bad hair, musky smell and lack of contrasting skin color. By the latter I mean their sex hair doesn't contrast w/ their skin the way whites and yellows do. Notice the twerking phenomenon among black women. They advertise the desirability of the butt not the crotch.

There's a reason for secondary sexual characteristics. They stimulate sexual desire in the partner. Without pubic hair, a woman loses some sexual attractiveness unless the man is a pervert who desires young girls. I think this is why Big Porn and Hollywood promote shaved pussies. And women foolishly go along w/ the trend. Confused men too.

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