Fantastic. Thank you.

These stories show clearly how we have been systematically lied to for generations.

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"Himmler wanted an accounting of everything from any truth in children's fairy tales and their magic, to finding Aryan culture in China and Tibet... was there an Atlantis?"

It was my contention recently that the National Socialists did not dismiss myths as lies which were detrimental to truth and leading only to corrupt our people's behavior. As Walther Wurst explains, the Ahnenerbe sought to discover the historical truths behind many myths thru wide-ranging geographical and anthropological research.

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In additional to the unique white race diversity in hair color, I would add hair texture. I've known whites w/ natural straight, wavy, curly, even tightly curly hair.

Not sure I accept the contention that other races only have black eye color. All Hispanics have brown eyes. True they are a mestizo race, but their mixture is white w/ Indian which is Asiatic. Is it contended that only whites have brown eyes?

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