A great service you do bringing this information to light in this forum. We Gentiles suffer the challenge of possessing an innate God-given sense of compassion and empathy for all humanity that makes us relatively easy prey for a parasitic predator class that prides itself on it's lack of empathy and racial hatred for all others. By sharing the truth of what really happenned, people are starting to connect the dots with the ongoing blatant genocide, rape, land theft, wholesale subversion and willful destruction of neighboring countries- the pattern of the Bolshevik genocide, as well as the mass genocide of the German people at the end of WW2 by the "Allies" (who were nothing but proxy armies controlled by the same mafia of Judaic supremacist predators), on through the mass murder and starvation campaigns of so many other eras that we have been deliberately misled to believe are seperate unrelated events- the vast majority of them, when you dig below the surface of the official historical "narrative", you will find a consistent linkage back to the very same little gang of roving violent grifters and mass murderers. Sadly, it has been proven throughout history they will not stop of their own accord. They will never be satiated, they are a psychopathic death cult, incapable of being reasonable, or trustworthy. It is up to us- the civilized and righteous, to act in our own self-defense, or stand by, and watch helpessly as they slaughter us all. I am encouraged that more and more young people around the world are waking up to the truth. May humanity find the courage to save itself.

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Brigadoon: With the joo lies throughout history, maybe the joo lie of "...God..." and J.C. is the GR8st (greatest) lie of joo history, with #2 being the lie of WWII National Socialist human gas chambers.

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Nicely written article on the true Hitler. Perhaps Hitler's high morals of humanity lost WWII for Germany.

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I would agree on that, Hitler was an extremely cultured and well-read intellectual, as well as being teatotal, far different to the fraudulent writer and art forger, the chronic alcoholic and actually psychotic Churchill.

Hitler's mind existed on a much higher level and could not conceive of or anticipate the unfathomable depths of depraved psychosis that existed in the mind of the Jew Churchill, or in the mind of his passionately German-hating Jewish principal scientific advisor, his homosexual friend of 30 years, Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell.

Churchill stated that he actually enjoyed war, no matter how much suffering it caused others, and that he only felt truly alive in times of war.

Hitler would not have understood the true measure and depth of such psychosis, and thus failed to anticipate the likely true progression of events when he ordered his generals not to destroy the Allied forces at Dunkirk or take them prisoner.

At the same time, we may never know what other influences may really have been at play to make Hitler act more cautiously, for instance Churchill tried to order the RAF to poison gas bomb all of Germany, and on another occasion he tried to have the RAF bomb all of Germany with anthrax, an insanely aggressive and hateful act that would have left much of Europe still uninhabitable to this day from residual anthrax contamination.

Churchill had Dresden bombed on the exact anniversary of the burning alive of Jewish criminals in Dresden centuries earlier, that is what it was all really about at Dresden, Jewish revenge.

Churchill is recorded as having asked his RAF planners: "How shall we light up 600,000?", and then stating: "We shall baste them in their own fat". Such is the inconscievably non-human sadistic lust for inflicting horrific violence on innocent Gentiles in the mind of the Jew.

Rabbis had instructed Jews to work in Christian 'Second Rome' 'amalek' lands as doctors and to kill every 10th Christian patient on a continual rolling basis, and even after the Jews were discovered doing this and some executed and all Jews then banned, rabbis then ordered further Jews to pretend to be Christians and then inflitrate these same lands again and then to continue the murder of Christian patients as before, while the Gentiles were under the mistaken impression that their doctors were trustworthy fellow Christians.

In his 1976 interview, the Jewish American senior aide to Senator Jacob K. Javits, Harold Wallace Rosenthal, disclosed that at that time in the US, no fewer than 11 out of every 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US were actually Jewish, hence recent events with the Israeli-instigated ethnobomb bioweapon COVID jabs.

Jewish scriptures state that all Gentiles are to be/will be exterminated, and that it is forbidden for a Jew to save the life of a Gentile, and elsewhere it is instructed that a Jew cannot (must not) heal a Gentile.

These Jewish infiltrators posing as doctors are quite literally soldier assassins in white coats here only to kill all Gentiles, and nothing else, the enemy army is already inside the gates and attacking, unidentified and unsuspected, as these days the mainstream media and courts and government offices are all owned by the Jews themselves, very different to the 1,031 times in the past when Jewish criminal terrorist assassins have been successfully identified and prosecuted in courts and others then expelled or banned from Gentile cities and nations.

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Mothman: The U.S.A.A.F. with the Brits, bombed Dresden.

My 1st 45 I did NOT see the joo problem in USA, now @90 I see how they hurt me many times. Never trust a joo. 2024 we now have a nation controlled by joos. What is your view on Dr. Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders? I met Jill ~10 years ago in Portland OR with an anti-i$rahell sign. She did NOT comment on the sign, but did talk with me.

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30% of the entire white population of America is of German origin. The Jews call their 'enemy' amalek no matter where they live today, so whites trying and executing Jews centuries ago in Dresden in Germany and even in Vienna in Austria after they were caught murdering whites there mean that all whites everywhere today all over the planet are now definitely a military target (but all Gentiles were already a target to be killed from the very beginning of Judaism anyway).

Not forgetting of course though that the Torah says all Gentiles in the world are to be killed, and that was passed on orally at first, then committed to written form around 3.5 thousand years ago, so even getting Allied airmen killed is something the Jews wanted, to get as many white people killed as possible on both sides, because both sides were and still are of the same Anglo-Saxon Second Rome amalek origin. This is where Dr Ana needs to get her understandings straightened out, there are a few rabbis she can watch actually saying all Gentiles are to be killed, I think some perps have been bending her ear convincing her with malicious stories and artificial Jewish propaganda about Dr Mengele and so on.

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I don't know anything about Dr Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders to be able to pass comment on either of them, I live in the UK by the way.

Just seen an article further confirming Trump is a Jew, says he converted (more like just 'came out') about 10 years ago. Both Trump's parents died in an expensive old age persons care home for Jewish old people, and his original family name is the German Jewish Drumpf.


The 'religion' says even the best of Gentiles should be killed, and that all Gentiles in the world are to be/will be exterminated and sent to hell.

Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

From Acharya S


There are no 'good Jews' in my book, but there are plenty of Jews pretending to be on the side of the Gentiles as infiltrators, and a massive number of crypto-Jews are officially registered as Christians, Muslims and Hindus, if they support Israel and defend the Jewish religion, then they are actually crypto-Jewish and the enemy.

Anyone who supports a 'religion' that says all gentiles are to be exterminated is (a) insane

(b) really a Jew

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Brilliant. Thank you. Hopefully Putin has learned the West can be no friend.

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